Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Who are we and What do we Do?

At Crossfit Central, we are a group of like minded people who encourage, challenge, support, and compete with eachother. Everyone that comes into this program is a hard worker. We strive for getting a job done well in every aspect of life. We love that we can come into an environment were everybody around us to willing to give their best to become better. That is something that isn't always around us yet we seek it all of the time. We are people who are driven on our own, but at the same time love the ability to be pushed to another level by those around us. We will never except that we are done improving. We know that for as long as we are able, our lives value will continue to grow. We work hard, because hard work is always rewarded 10 fold. We love a challenge and are ready to welcome one at the moment it arrives.
We are Crossfitters. Visit us. Workout out with us. Shed Sweat, Blood and Tears with us. Let us know that you too are alive just like us!
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