Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Go Getter!


It's funny. You never really expect somebody you've grown so accostumed to seeing tell you that they are out! "I am leaving for Greece and will not be coming to Crossfit anymore. Maybe I will be able to do it there."

What? Your leaving? What?
Wait this doesn't make any sence.

Jenny was one of Crossfit Central's original Indoor clients. She is the only person from the start of the original 3 classes that has shown up almost every single time (excepts some vacations), been one of 2 to work out with me on free workout day, traveled with us to a seminar for Parkour, come to our first semina and has done a majority of the Challenges we ever put on.

This girl has never let up and continued to improve in every way imaginable with her skill sets in Crossfit. The mountains she has conquered have not gone unnoticed and I give her a mad amount of respect for staying on top of her game consistantly throughout the last year and a half.

This Friday will be her last Workout with Crossfit Central before she leaves. I believe she will be back at some point, but until then Jenny, you are left with this.

4 Rounds for time:
20 Lunges
10 135 Barbell Squat Cleans
15 Ring Dips
15 1 1/2 pood KB Swings
10 20lb Wall Ball
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